
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

On Decorating with Wedding Pictures...

We have a fair amount of photos around our house, mostly from vacations & various adventures we've taken together.  When we recently got the DVD with our wedding pictures, I wanted to print out and frame a few that were meaningful to us without having wedding photos take over our decor.  

The layout in our house is so open that we have very few walls to hang stuff on... this means we had to be choosy when finding a photo to have printed out in poster size.  Here's what we picked:

It's a shot of the vineyard where we had our wedding, taken during dinner.  The wedding was outdoors and the photo captures the night's full moon.  I know it's a weird choice for a favorite wedding picture since we aren't front & center of the picture.  What I love about it is how, more than formal portraits or candids from the dance floor, it captures the sense of togetherness & laid-back fun that I remember so much about our wedding.

Since the photo above shows the glass's reflection (it's in our hallway, leading upstairs & next to the hall closet and security system), here's the picture itself:

If you look very closely (and happen to know my dad), you can see him towards the left side of the picture, standing up.  Since my parents were a huge part of our big day, one of the things I like best about this picture is recognizing my dad in this crowd of family & friends.

And, since we needed at least one wedding-y picture proudly displayed in the house, here's one more shot I had printed out.  It sits on a bookshelf in our living room...

Simple and sweet (& taken right as we walked down the aisle).  Look at our giggly bridesmaids in the background.

For those of you planning a wedding (or a photoshoot) in Chicago, I LOVE the work of Jaisa's wedding photographer, Jeremy Lawson.  If we had worked with him, I'm sure our whole house would be plastered with wedding pictures.

What's your style for decorating with wedding photos?  Do you have big formal prints framed?  Or do you prefer the candid shots?  Let us know and stay homey!


  1. Yay for art/pictures on the wall. Our walls are def naked. :-) Need to jump on the bandwagon!! Love the cute!!!

  2. I love love love the picture taken during dinner... these are the kind of shots I wish I had to display. I don't really like having pictures of Matt and I around the house, so I haven't displayed any yet.

  3. Great pix! Nice of you to give a shout out to the Dad!

  4. Awww the giggling bridesmaid are so cute. Especially the one in the way back. ;)

  5. What a handsome hat! That man has style

  6. Lovely display of wedding pictures. I love the dinner party picture!

  7. Funny you ask because I'm just in the process of designing a gallery wall of photos in our hallway that includes shots of family and friends as well as a few wedding photos. Right now we have just one shot in a silver frame on a small bookshelf in our living room. Directly outside our bedroom (in a more "private" area of the apartment) I have 3 of our more formal shots alongside our framed invitation and a copy of the poem my godfather wrote for us and read at the ceremony. But now I'm thinking I should get the full distance shot of the reception framed, great idea!

  8. This is a brilliant idea. Decorate your wedding pictures and make them part of your home's interior. This is to remind you about that special day. Thanks for the tips.

    las vegas bridal shops

  9. That's being artistic and creative. Can the picture be change?

  10. What a great concept, I'll be sure to keep this in mind especially with all the photos I have.

  11. Wedding is a very important in a couples' lives. I remember when I got married two years ago, my photographers did an spectacular job in taking pictures. The qualities of the photo were superb since they were taken with a gopro hd hero. Until today, me and my wife could still look through our photos and smile about it.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment!