
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Building a Hotel Gift Bag

I went to a tremendous wedding last weekend in Philadelphia.  Every last detail was perfect, but I will do a post later this week on the actual wedding.  For now, I'm showing you the bags that awaited us when we checked into our hotels pre-wedding.

I don't think having gift bags for your wedding guests is necessary, but it is a really nice touch.  And in this case, very much appreciated.

The bags themselves were University of Michigan reusable totes.  The bride and the groom are both UM grads and Wolverine enthusiasts.  Perfect.

Inside we had a smorgasbord of tasty snacks, two bottles of water, a bag of toiletries (lip balm, hand cream, etc), mints, and a magazine about ongoings in Philly.

Also in the bag was a "hangover kit" which was put to use by us the next morning...

On the front was my favorite touch.  My friend Pelton, the groom, is a doctor.  HOW CUTE is this note?

It cracked me up.  Didn't the bride do an amazing job pulling these together?  The snacks were perfect for our late night arrival home, the water was much-needed, and I flipped through the Philly magazine looking for ways to spend our Sunday in the City of Brotherly Love.  A+.

For my own wedding (and I somehow don't have any pictures of these), I made "Connecticut-Themed" hotel bags since we got married at a vineyard on the Connecticut Wine Trail (You've never heard of the famed CT wine trail?  Weird...).  With some suggestions from my friend's mom, a Connecticut expert, I pulled together a bunch of treats made locally (potato chips, candies, etc), some Wine Trail maps, water bottles, and a bag of my favorite cookies.

What do you think?  What are your wedding morning-after must-haves?  Let us know and stay hungover... I mean... stay homey!

1 comment:

  1. That was great! thanks for sharing this good information....very good job information that I was searching for!


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