
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Catalog Overload

I may be alone on this, but I've been irritated and overwhelmed with the amount of catalogs that I get in the mail.  Every.  Single.  Day.

While I like flipping through a Pottery Barn holiday catalog as much as the next girl, I feel incredibly wasteful tossing stacks of catalogs each afternoon when I check the mail.

With three weeks to go until Christmas, I'm receiving duplicates of both the catalogs I enjoy flipping through (Anthro, J. Crew, Pottery Barn, Garnet Hill) and catalogs I have zero interest in (Vermont Country Store, Orvis for Men, Talbots).  After some quick searching on the web, I found a website that is free and claims to stop the catalog overload.  Behond

It is not possible for me to be less interested in getting a "Title Nine" catalog
Once you click through the settings you want (in my case, NO POSTAL MAIL from every company), select your name and address, and scroll down to enter the numbers on your catalogs:

The customer number and source code are on the back of each catalog, above your address:

From here, Catalog Choice will update each company with your request.  Now I just need to wait and see how well it works.

Is not wanting to receive a slew of catalogs around Christmastime too "bah humbug" of me?  Are you having this problem too?  Tried  Let me know what you think!


  1. One of my problems is the other junk mail that comes (especially when it's addressed to my deceased husband!) If you have an iPhone, get the free app PaperKarma. Once you register for free, you simply take a picture of the sender's address label and upload it. After some "digital magic" the system will confirm the sender with you and then contact the company to remove you from their mailing list. I have used it for almost 20 different pieces of junk mail and it has worked perfectly!

  2. I have been on since 2007, and although I think it's a wonderful idea, and it has cut down on some of the catalogs, my mailbox is still full every day with a stack that goes straight to recycling. Some companies ignore the requests; others, it seems, comply, but then start sending catalogs again, especially around the holidays. Still, the website tells me that I've saved 7 trees, over 2600 lbs. of greenhouse gases, 957 lbs. of solid waste, and 6500 gallons of water by stopping some of the catalogs. It's not a perfect solution, but it's better than nothing. You do have to stay on top of it though, and continue to log onto their website and enter new and repeat catalogs all the time.

  3. Ahhh thank you for this! I too am overwhelmed by junk catalogs. Though, I'm not going to lie, I sort of like Vermont Country Store. I got a pair of totally nerdy Lanz pajamas and now I live in them all winter. Just sayin' :)


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