
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lost & Found

Last night around five, Jesse and I were gearing up for an exciting evening of catching up on Downton Abbey.  As usual, the dogs went out before they ate dinner.  Fred came home about an hour later and Tillie (the basset we adopted last April) didn't come back.  It was snowing and COLD and while we nervously watched Downton and kept looking at the clock, I started to worry.  Jesse and I walked and drove through the woods behind our house calling her, but she was nowhere to be found.  I could hear howling coyotes, but no lost lady basset.

After a few hours of nervous sleep, we woke up and went back into the woods and made some flyers to leave in mailboxes.  As soon as 8 AM rolled around, I called our vet and local animal control.  Calling animal control seemed like a hokey thing to do at the time, especially since where we live many dogs wander around the woods and always return home.  But two hours later, we had a call that she had been spotted a mile or so away.

A woman had seen Tillie on her farm earlier that morning (I started crying JUST because this meant she hadn't been eaten by coyotes or bear), so this woman and I spent a couple of hours walking her property and searching the woods up by her.  No luck, but on my drive back home, I spotted a tiny little basset ball under a pine tree.  Tillie was nervous and hungry, but unharmed and safe.

We'll be back to regularly scheduled posting tomorrow now that my crisis is averted.  Take a sec to make sure your dogs' collars are up to date with your phone numbers and stay warm as temperatures drop like crazy today... and stay home, Tillie!

Reunited and it feels so good...


  1. OMG. So glad you found her. Poor thing must have been scared to death. This terrifies me! Those hound noses can get them into trouble. Phew. So so glad she's okay.

    1. Thanks! Me too :) Those basset noses are trouble... and I think that, because of the snow, she lost her way home. She has been PASSED OUT since I brought her in from the car.

  2. We were the finder of a lost dog last night. He was a pit bull and the sweetest thing ever! I called our vet because that was the only tag around his neck. Turns out he was visiting his "grandparents" across the highway and decided to come visit my barking dogs in the backyard. The family was lucky also that we weren't scared of him just because of his breed. I'm glad to know neighbors care for each other even when they live in the country!

    1. I bet the owners of that pup are STILL talking about how grateful they are for you (and will for a while). So great that you were able to get him home!

  3. So glad Tillie is okay! That's so scary for you guys (and Fred)

    1. Shockingly, Fred was mostly unconcerned. He slept late, enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, and then spent most of the morning on the couch.

  4. You just made me cry. I have a beagle and two years ago she took off running after a bunch of deers. She was gone for so about 4 hours and I was just sick to my stomach. I was crying.

    She ended up coming back, I felt so blessed.

    I'm so glad Tillie is ok.

  5. I hopped over from Total Basset Case...I am so glad you found your pup! That is so scary! I would be freaking if we lost our pup..though he could never be trusted in an unfenced area (he's a bloodhound and would prob smell something and take off!!) Glad your girl was safe and sound, what a cutie!


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