
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Nursery Update #1 (Alternate Title: A Bunch of Photos of a Dusty Room)

I was talking to my friend Jen last night and she asked about the nursery.  I said, "we got SOOOOO much done this weekend" and I think she was expecting me to say that we finished painting, hung up some frames, set up the crib, hand crafted a mobile, made a baby quilt, etc.  Nope.  We paid a local guy to scrape off the popcorn ceilings and rip up the carpet.


We decided to scratch the idea of covering up our popcorn ceiling with planks or beadboard because of all of the ceiling's angles from the dormer window - I was worried it would be hard to make everything look neat and even.  As mentioned, we hired somebody to scrape off the popcorn ceiling in this room and I am SO glad we did.  It took the poor guy all of Saturday and most of Sunday and he emerged covered in white dust, looking exhausted.

While he was here, he also pulled up our berber carpet.  The carpet was installed in 2010 when we bought this house, but my pregnant uber-nose could still smell the glue and chemicals used to install it.  Concerned about off-gassing for the poor bebe, I nagged Jesse we decided to rip it up and go with hardwood flooring.

Given that I have 9 weeks to go until my due date, things are starting to feel down to the wire.  Pretty sure the only thing I could do to make this room less baby-friendly right now is add some asbestos and a hungry lion.

Our next steps are painting the ceiling and walls, choosing and installing hardwood floors, and then moving on to the decorating.  Stick with us and stay homey!

1 comment:

  1. I'm laughing so hard about the asbestos and hungry lion! You guys will do GREAT when bebe Sheldon arrives. Can't believe it's 9 weeks - so siting! :)


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