
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Why We're Waiting to Find Out...

When people find out we're expecting a baby in April, the first question they ask is always some variation of "Is it a boy or a girl?".  And, for the most part, they're usually excited for us when we tell them that we've decided to wait until the baby is born to find out.

The "big surprise" is important to me, for a few reasons.

On a practical level, Jesse and I know that we would like to have more than one kid.  Not knowing in advance whether baby #1 is a son or a daughter helps curb the temptation to go out and buy Baby Gap out of tiny, frilly dresses or cute little man outfits.  It also ensures that all of the big stuff we buy, from carseats to baby swings to cribs, can be used for future bebes.  

On a romantic level, I love the idea of Jesse running out to the waiting room and exclaiming "It's a ...! " to our families (our families who have, it should be noted, not pestered us at all to find out if this is a grandson or granddaughter, a niece or a nephew).  I know there could be a middle of the night delivery or a long labor that could prevent all family from being present right after the birth, but I can dream.

I have been busying myself with old wives' tales since July.  I had terrible morning sickness and, later, cravings for sweets.  A girl, for sure.  But I'm carrying low... maybe a boy?  I've analyzed the baby's heartbeat rates after doctor's appointments (supposedly girls have higher heart rates) but fluctuating heart rates mean no conclusive evidence.  I LOVE guessing and speculating but always preface each appointment with "Just so you know, we don't want to find out!" and can't even bear to look onscreen during an ultrasound just in case the secret is revealed.  

In short, I am beyond excited for April.  Jesse and I are simply hoping and praying for a healthy baby, whether it's a son or daughter.  For now, I am stocking up on simple white onesies, with some blue and green outfits that could work both ways.  I'm quizzing my mom friends on what baby items worked for them.  I'm scouring Pinterest for ideas and eagerly awaiting the daily Zulily sales.  So, pink or blue, I will be staying busy until April. Stay tuned for (many) more baby posts to come.


  1. AMEN!!! We're waiting too and while most people have said "good for you," a few (especially Justin's students and my sisters in law) have given us a hard time about it! I agree that it will be SO fun to have hubby the first to make the big announcement, even if it's just to me, as opposed to hearing from a doctor/ultrasound tech in a dark exam room months before meeting our bundle of joy. I also figure that in future pregnancies we will "care" more about the sex, so we'll find out in advance then. Right now it doesn't matter to us either way because we know we want at least one or possibly two more kids. We had our third and final (20 week) ultrasound last week and I really couldn't tell either way, which is a good thing. I HAVE been getting girl vibes though, I must say! No distinct reason like the ones you describe just a "feeling." But either way I agree it's all about a healthy baby. Best of luck to you, Caitlin! So excited to follow along here.

    1. I typed this up last night when I was exhausted and forgot to mention that I have a feeling it's a girl, for what it's worth. I also accidentally referred to the baby as "he" the other day, totally out of the blue, so who knows!

      SO excited for you guys too! I can't believe you are at 20 weeks already... time is flying by. I saw your picture and you look GREAT!

  2. Thank you! BTW, where is that adorable onesie from?

    1. It's from a company called Sweet Peanut... I found it on Zulily a while ago (Sweet Peanut shows up there pretty often). Wait until you look at the rest of their stuff... soooo cute.

  3. Hi - I love following this site and just had to put in my 2 sense... I will honestly say that NOT finding out was the absolute best suprise of our lives!! Aghhhhh - what is it??????? (Not meant to sound... you know the whole IT thing... LOL) That moment.... unbelievable!! AGAIN - the absolute best suprise ever!! And seriously - there are not that many true suprises in life so enjoy this one!!!!

    1. I totally agree! And how many other surprises will make you SO happy either way? Now I just need to make sure the nurses keep it to themselves until go time!

  4. Either way, that kid is going to have a sweet life with many pets. So excited for you guys!

  5. That is the cutest onesie! And don't worry, I'll be sure to buy plenty of little girl or little man outfits regardless for each baby :)

    1. Wait until you see what else I have found! Thanks Auntie!


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