
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Coconut Oil for Baby's Skin

We're trying to cut down on the number of unnecessary chemicals used around the house and, having heard great things about using coconut oil for skin care for babies, I decided to give it a shot (and whip up a container to keep it in).

I bought a small glass jar (ninety nine cents from my local food co-op and, having typed that statement, I'm officially a hippie) to keep the coconut oil in and jazzed it up with some colorful paper and Mod Podge.

The yellow circle is actually cut from a very sweet (and on-theme for my baby shower) card I received from a friend:

(I appreciate the vote of confidence)

I Mod Podged the paper to the lid of the jar along with a strip of white paper to use as a label, then glued the two pieces of the lid together.

The result is a sunny little jar of coconut oil (that smells divine, by the way) and reminds me of my friend's sweet wishes at my bridal shower.  It also assures us that Will is getting fewer toxins than if we had gone the normal diaper cream route (not that I'm writing that off for emergency situations).  We have also been using it for his dry skin and it works like a charm!

A little goes a long way which means I have lots left to use for other stuff...any suggestions?


  1. You have very different hair from me but it works GREAT in my hair to moisturize/condition. Also, pop some popcorn in it, yum! Or fry up some tofu. I use the same stuff on my hair/skin as in food, it's all good. Enjoy. :)

    1. I recently bought some coconut oil from trader joes for my hair, but haven't used it yet (worried it'll be too greasy). I assume if it's good enough for baby skin, it's good enough for mine too!

  2. You could make little containers for chapstick!

  3. Yum! I will try the popcorn and tofu! I have a big jar of it in the pantry to use for cooking, just haven't had a chance to yet. Somebody on our FB page also suggested making deodorant with it, which I want to try!


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