
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Basset Hound Cookies & Almost 2014

It's hard to believe the holidays passed so quickly.  We have had such a great week with our families, our friends and our squeaky clean dogs (Christmas baths for everyone!).  Delicious dinners, warm fires, sparkling trees... I sure do love Christmas but this year felt especially cozy.  We're lucky to have a few more days off to enjoy some quiet time at home before getting back to normal.

We were invited to dinner with friends last night and I usually bring dessert when we go.  There aren't any leftover Christmas goodies here (oops) but I was still in the mood to bake cookies so I busted out my brand new basset hound cookie cutter.  How cute are these little maple hounds?

We're gearing up for 2014 (maybe I'll stay up til midnight on NYE this year?) by cleaning all of the dusty nooks & crannies of this house, packing up our holiday decor, and enjoying all of the tasty treats we can get our hands on before the obligatory new year's resolutions.  Enjoy & stay hungry!

1 comment:

  1. That cookie cutter gets me every time! For some reason it's never occurred to me to make actual, not dog treat, cookies with it. Hhaha


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