
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A DIY Wedding Map

When Jaisa & Charlie asked me to make a map for guests for their wedding day, I was a little nervous. They wanted something that would direct guests from the church to their wedding reception but was a bit more artsy than a Google Maps printout. This would be handed to guests along with the programs from their beautiful stationer so, you know, no pressure.

To start, I tracked down some tracing paper and traced a map of their wedding area that I had printed from the internet. I traced the major streets and made a bunch of copies of the tracing paper to start practicing on.

Their church and wedding venue were both fairly ornate, difficult-to-sketch buildings (you guys couldn't have gotten married in a teepee? or perhaps an igloo or a two-dimensional log cabin? those are structures I think I can draw pretty well), so it took a few different versions to get to what I wanted (the two below are both rejects):

Here's the finished product:

It was a lot easier than I would have imagined… give it a shot for your own wedding and stay homey!


  1. These were so awesome and our guests loved them. The map was perfect and Caitlin is an awesome artist

  2. I love Chicago.....and your drawing of the cute giraffe's!!! I've been to a few weddings at St. Michaels....BEAUTIFUL church!!

  3. what an amazing map. I love it!!!! And I love that it is more personal..... shoot now I just wish I had a reason to make a map..... it might just be kind of cute wall art of a special place..... hummmm now you have me thinking!
    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy


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