Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wedding Invitation Ornament

As a serious stationery junkie, I loved picking out my wedding invitations. I loved choosing the colors and the fonts and the wording and I loooooved seeing them in person when they arrived. What I didn't love was the voice in the back of my head that said "people are just going to throw these away after the wedding."

Here's an ornament that makes use of wedding invites and would make a great Christmas gift for the newlyweds in your life. It's a great way to see your wedding stationery year after year and I know any bride will appreciate knowing that her beautiful invites didn't go right to your recycling pile!

Since I couldn't bring myself to get rid of Jaisa's wedding invites, I still had them hanging on our fridge and decided to make an ornament to send to Jaisa & Charlie in Chicago.  I used:

wedding invitation
empty ornament

Gorgeous invites, right?  As nice as they are, the next step is to slice them into strips using a paper cutter or scissors. Roll your strips into spirals and put them into the empty ornament, unfurling as you go:

Fill up the ornament with the invitation strips, tie a ribbon on top, and send to your favorite newlyweds:

Weddings and Christmas? Does it get any better than this? Stay homey!


  1. What a thoughtful gift idea!

  2. Oh good idea! I have all our wedding programs laying around and no idea what to do with them. Great stocking stuffer idea.

  3. I have so many wedding invitations and programs left over from our wedding. Saw this idea on Pinterest and couldn't wait to whip them up. Love how yours turned out.

  4. I blogged about this craft, too! It was so simple and easy. Thanks to Pinterest!! Found you on "Tute In!"


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