Greetings from Sunny Los Angeles! After spending the weekend in Seattle for the wedding of one of my dearest college friends, I'm down in LA for a few days visiting my friend Jen & her family. Jesse and Will are holding down the fort at home and while I miss them terribly, I'm enjoying my me-cation. Mom-cation? Va-Cai-tion? Whatever. I'm sleeping late and finally reading The Goldfinch and spent all weekend having cocktails with my college roommates. Please forgive the blurry phone pictures - I knew I'd probably lose my nice camera if I brought it but then I spilled a drink on my phone halfway through the weekend (as you can probably tell below).
I think I've mentioned before that Jesse and I lived in Seattle for a few years before we moved to Brooklyn. He had been promoted and transferred out there and, never having lived anywhere besides the Northeast myself, I was excited to move out there together. Living in Seattle was one of the greatest adventures of my life - weekend trips to the islands off the coast of Washington, exploring the city on foot (with Fred), trying new foods and meeting new friends and generally adjusting to life together. To say I was excited to be back in this beautiful city is an understatement (I just wish Jesse had been there!).
After a gorgeous and sunny boat cruise on Friday night and brunch with friends on Saturday morning, I headed out for a long walk around the city. In three and a half hours of wandering I visited Pike Place Market, some of my favorite old stores, a handful of coffee shops, and the apartment that Jesse and I first lived in together. I remembered things I'd forgotten about Seattle like how nobody out there jaywalks (SUPER weird) and the mnemonic device for remembering the layout of the downtown Seattle streets ("Jesus Christ Made Seattle Under Protest"). I loved feeling at home in a city that I hadn't been to in six years. Even without Jesse there, I loved remembering what it was like to finally be living in the same city with only our young, crazy Basset Hound to care for.
I'll be back later with some pictures from THE AMAZING WEDDING on Saturday night.