We can't believe it. Our humble little Hardly Housewives blog just got to a MILLION HITS! Not only has this been a labor of love (I use "labor" loosely...Caitlin is the only one of us that's actually gone through labor), it has been the glue that's kept our long distance friendship together and as strong as ever. We don't do it because it's our job. We don't do it because we have to. We do it because we love it, because we have a commitment to each other and our readers. A hobby turned into a passion and in turn, that passion turned into a pretty cool accomplishment. Who would have thought...we did it CStar...these hips don't lie.
Many things have happened since we started - new jobs, new baby, new camera angles, new outlooks, new meanings, new everything. Even though we live over a thousand miles apart and haven't physically seen each other in almost two years, we will always have Hardly Housewives and we will always have this incredible milestone to remember.
Thank you guys so much for reading. From family, friends, to the many loyal readers we have never officially met...we can't thank you enough for sticking with us from the very beginning. (Yikes...please don't actually click on that link...it looks like I posted that in the 60s).
Here are a couple of pics from the night that Caitlin and I officially decided we would be friends forever. Yes, Caitlin is literally holding a wagon wheel and I am literally wearing a multi-colored fur scarf.
Stay homey. Stay hungry. Stay Hardly Housewives.
nice cowlneck sweater