Friday, December 16, 2011

Brooklyn Bridge Ornament

Maybe I've mentioned once or twice that I just moved from Brooklyn and that I miss it. It shouldn't come as a surprise to you that I wanted to incorporate good old Crooklyn into our Christmas tree this year. We have ornaments from various vacations and travels, but nothing that represents our love for our favorite borough.

I used to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge all the time - on nice days, I'd commute to work by walking across the bridge and then hopping on the 4 train on the Manhattan side. We'd take Fred for long strolls on the bridge on the weekends and most of my out of town guests were "treated" to a walk or two across the East River. Jaisa actually used to only pack high heels on her visits to Brooklyn so I wouldn't make her walk. It's kind of like how I only bring flats to Chicago so she doesn't make me go clubbing.

I digress.

This ornament is fairly simple and just requires a steady hand and, unless you have all of the architectural intricacies committed to memory, access to Google images of the Brooklyn Bridge (or your city skyline of choice). Here's what I started with:

round ornament
black Sharpie
colored pencils

Using the Sharpie, I drew on the image of the bridge and let the ink dry.

Then, I colored in the sky, water, and American flags with colored pencil and hung up:

I'm tempted to make one with the Space Needle to commemorate our time living in the Emerald City. Or maybe one with the Prudential and the Citgo sign for my Bostonian friends. The possibilities are endless! Happy Friday and stay homey!

1 comment:

  1. Brooklyn Brooklyn take me in, very cool I walk the bridge everyday must be nice to have a bit of the wonder of it all with you!


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