
Friday, January 6, 2012

Sofa Table Ch-ch-ch-changes

I was scouring CraigsList for a small table for our living room and came across this sofa table. My mother-in-law was kind enough to drive me up to a neighboring town in her pickup truck and we grabbed the table and hauled it home. It sat in our living room for a few months, unfinished, while I decided what to do with it. Stain it? Paint it?

Decorating our living room is a big priority around here - we're busy framing, painting, sectional-buying, rug-choosing, and pillow-making. While it's definitely a work in progress, I knew painting this table would be one more thing we could check off on the list.

I decided to paint the table. Here's what I started out with:

First, I wiped off the table and removed the drawer pulls:

Then I sanded the whole thing down...

and primed it:

Once primed, I began to paint the table. The paint I used was a mix of all of the paint samples we had laying around from painting the living room, bedroom, and mudroom. It was a great way to use up that paint, but this table had so many nooks and crannies that I wished I had used spray paint instead!

Once I had two layers of paint on the table, I turned to the drawer pulls. I spray painted them white...

... and once everything dried, I reassembled and brought everything back into the living room:

It sits under our wagon wheel, holding throw blankets and some baskets full of art supplies. On top, I keep a framed picture of us in Thailand with our friend Chip, some dried hydrangeas, and the now-polished silver dish.

I'm not sold on the white drawer-pulls yet... I think the white makes them look a little too shabby chic, if you know what I mean. If I change them out, I'll be sure to post it... stay homey!


  1. You make this look so easy! What an inspiration! And the end result is great.

  2. Lovely!

    I am wondering if you would consider allowing full feeds for your subscription? Currently only the first short part of each post shows up in my reader.

  3. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind allowing full feeds? I use Google Reader and currently only the first part of each post shows up.

  4. Um, I am not sure why my comments keep disappearing, sorry if you are getting double ones!

  5. I love the pretty blue color you chose for this. It turned out nice!

  6. Oh wow! Amazing makeover! Very nice job!

  7. I need a mom in law with a pick up truck! That would greatly help me when I spot the perfect thing that won't fit in my car!

    Love the color - and that wagon wheel is amazing - like a piece of art!

  8. What a great find!! Tons of good-looking function in that piece. Love that you used paint you already had. Kudos!
    Visiting from RRR. :)
    Heidi @ Decor & More


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