
Monday, March 26, 2012

Brownie Bites with Raspberry Sauce

I showed pictures of the awesome dessert table at my friend Melissa's bridal shower last weekend and I wanted to share my contribution - the brownie bites with raspberry sauce.

I made the brownies the night before the shower (please forgive me for not including photos of the process).  I used a recipe that was my go-to when I was a kid - I baked these brownies for every single bake sale, family gathering, or sleepover I attended in the 90s and I dug it out for this special occasion.  I used:

2 cups white sugar
4 eggs
3/4 cup cocoa powder
1 1/4 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup butter (melted)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
optional (and not used this time) 1/2 cup crushed walnuts

I preheated the oven to 350 degrees & mixed together my cocoa and sugar.  I stirred in the melted butter, then added the eggs & vanilla and stirred again.  Finally, I added the flour & salt and mixed just until smooth (this is where you'd add the walnuts too).

Normally, I'd put it into a greased brownie pan and bake for 40 minutes (or until a toothpick comes out clean) BUT I added these into a MINI brownie pan (picked up from the craft store) and baked for 15.  I wanted these to be finger food sized - perfect for a shower.

Once the brownies came out of the oven, I had to dress them up a little bit and make them shower-worthy.  I took a pint of raspberries, a teaspoon of sugar, and a squeeze of lemon...

...and blended til I had a sauce...

I popped each little brownie bite into a mini paper muffin cup and drizzled a spoonful of the sauce on top.  I popped a raspberry on each square and they were ready to go...

People seemed to love them!  I was so excited to have these tasty brownies again and can't wait until my next occasion to bake them up.  Stay hungry!


  1. I have an idea. Let's open a restaurant. I'll cook and you bake. Cool? Cool.

    1. Wait until I share my mom's go-to chocolate cake. We had it this weekend. It's unreal. I basically had it for breakfast yesterday. xox

  2. Oh, I know I'll love this!
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. Oh this looks so delicious, raspberries and brownies, perfect treat for today! Coming by from the Your Creative Time Out Party! :)

  4. These are just so pretty! I just love anything with raspberries! Pinned!


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