Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Look

In November 2012, Hardly Housewives hit its one year anniversary.  We've come a long, long way this past year (just check out some of our first posts - yikes!).   Thank you, loyal readers, for following us through the good, the bad, and even the ugly.

Now that Hardly Housewives is one year older and one year wiser, we thought we'd give our site a little face lift.  Check out our new header...graciously designed by my coworker, Dave.

Hiring a professional (and quite generous) designer allowed us to communicate what Hardly Housewives is all about.  Our blogging, home projects, home cooking, and friendship spans from Chicago to Connecticut.  We both juggle crazy jobs, conference calls, and still find time to nurture young marriages.  We both have an insatiable passion for travel, even if one is sampling different vegetarian dishes while the other is on the hunt for the best carnivorous creation.

We're hardly what you'd call housewives.

The two ladies in the new header are a little bit of each of us... a little hip, a little homey, and a little hungry all in one.

Before we say goodbye for good, one last look at the old Hardly Housewives:

Thank you Dave for designing such an awesome header.  What do you think readers?

Stay hip!


  1. Very cute! Now where can I find a such a useful colleague :-)

  2. Cute! Glad Caitlin's pearls are represented!


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