Monday, June 24, 2013

Apple Manchego Salad

When I was in Minnesota last weekend, my sister in law, Holly, and her hubby Travis made this AMAZING salad.  I. Was. Obsessed.  And it is SO easy.  Like SO easy.  

Just three little olive oil.  Manchego cheese is one of my favorites and is definitely the star of the show.  It's a firm, compact cheese that's creamy and buttery and just a hint salty.  I'm droolingalingalinglong. 

The beauty of this salad is the simplicity - just three delicious, flavorful ingredients that are cut uniformly.  It's important that the matchsticks are similar because texture is everything in this salad.  In order to achieve this, I used a mandolin.  Otherwise, I would have killed myself/cut my hand off. 

I used the "french fry" setting.  The julienne would have been too thin.

I did the same with the manchego cheese...perfection.

A little drizzle of EVOO and lots of freshly chopped chives add a savory balance to the tart and sweet apple.   Give it a light, gentle toss to incorporate all the ingredients. 

As Holly says, "the best bites are the ones with cheese."  I concur.

Apple Manchego Salad 
2 Tart, Crisp Apples (Braeburn, Pink Lady, Fuji), cut into matchsticks
1 Cup of Manchego Cheese, cut into matchsticks
2 Tbs of Finely Chopped Chives (I did a 1/4 cup)
2 Tbs of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Using a mandolin, cut the apples and cheese into matchsticks.  Finely chop the chives and drizzle the olive oil.  Toss gently.  Depending on how many chives you like, you can add up to 1/4 cup.

Stay hungry! 

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