Thursday, April 4, 2013

Guest Post: Sarah from Total Basset Case

Hey there Hardly Housewive-rs!
Floyd and I are pumped to be hanging out over here today!

First and foremost we want to say a HUGE congrats to Caitlin on the arrival of Baby Will!!
He is precious!!

I'm Sarah and I blog over at Total Basset Case

and if you couldn't guess from my blog name, we (the Mister, ie the hubs and I) have a sassy, snuggable, cute as can be, basset hound, Floyd.

(that's the Mister-he's pretty cute too)

Over at my blog I ramble on about, Floyd (you probably gathered that by now), food and recipes, the Mister, fashion and whatever else stumbles through my brain.

Every Friday I do a feature called, 'Fridays with Floyd' where I report on Floyd's weekly escapades.  We also have a feature called, 'Floyd's Friends' where one of Floyd's pup buddies come over and take over posting for the day!

Sometimes I blog about how Floyd is SUPER sassy, and/or also dramatic, how he can not and will not catch a ball, how he recently learned how to shake, how he keeps a dutiful eye on the neighborhood

or how he will bring you beers

 but mostly about how stinkin cute he is.

and much, much more.
Floyd is always doing something entertaining so come on over and visit us! 

Again, congrats and welcome to the world Baby Will!
Slobbery kisses and hugs,
Sarah and Floyd


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