Wednesday, March 5, 2014

40 Bags in 40 Days: Decluttering for Spring

Boy, was Fat Tuesday crazy around here.  Just kidding.  I ate hummus and chips for dinner, talked to Jesse as if I were the "doge" meme, read for about 4 minutes, and was asleep by 9:30 (such motherhood).  But the end of Fat Tuesday (and the end of all of the colorful, boozy pictures that my younger, more energetic friends are posting on Instagram) signifies the beginning of Lent and I'm doing something different this year.

I first read about the "40 Bags in 40 Days" idea, a Lenten/pre-Spring Clean, a few years ago on Memories on Clover Lane though it's been done by many a blogger (and many more, I'm sure, a person who doesn't document this sort of thing online).  The premise is simple - over the next 40 days before Easter, get 40 trash bags out of your house.  The bags can be actual trash, recycling, donations, things to sell, etc. but the idea is to purge and declutter.  And I need to declutter in the worst way around here.

Jesse has said to me, more than once, "I can't believe you own a book called Nantucket Nights"

I'm certainly not alone in this purge for the next 40 days.  Other bloggers have shared suggested target lists.  There are printables available (though I'm just going to be keeping track on some regular printer paper). If hashtags are your thing, you can even #40bagsin40days.

So, armed with trash bags (and for the smaller areas, some old grocery store bags), I'm heading into the next 40 days hoping that my house comes out cleaner, neater, and easier to breathe in.  Though we've got major clutter in the pantry, in the medicine cabinets, and in the master bedroom closet, I'm starting today with my car which is way too full of catalogs, shopping bags, and coffee cups.  I'll keep you posted on how this whole process goes.  Anybody want to join me?


  1. Great idea, I'm going to try this too!

  2. Bonus Mondo trailers are featured for IT'S A SICK, SICK, SICK WORLD, ECCO, THE MATING URGE, MONDO FREUDO, MONDO OSCENITA, MONDO PAZZO, SECRET AFRICA, WOMEN OF PLEASURE and WOMEN OF THE WORLD. (MONDO PAZZO is better known as MONDO CANE 2.) The trailers make one long for SWV to release ECCO, hosted by George Sanders no less, and MONDO FREUDO, which sounds like its narration is being handled by Don Adams (of GET SMART fame). Hell, these trailers make one wish SWV would release all these films particularly WOMEN OF PLEASURE so we could see what's in the film rather than the trailer's series of enticing title cards.

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