Thursday, September 13, 2012

Adult Life: Drinking Glasses

In November of 2013, I turn 30 years old.  You wouldn't know this, though, from the cabinet in our kitchen that holds our drinking glasses.  It looks like it belongs in the kitchen of a bunch of 21 year old guys who just got their first apartment out of college.  It's a mish mash of pint glasses from various bars and events Jesse and I have been to in the last 11 or so years. 

For the most part, I think it's fine.  Pint glasses hold a lot of water, are fairly sturdy, and if they break, it isn't a huge deal (unless it's one of Jesse's beloved ones).  But a few weeks ago, my 90 year old grandmother-in-law came to visit and asked for a glass of water.  Imagine my horror when I had to choose between offering her a Kenny Powers glass or a Albino Rhino Beer glass. 

So I recently headed out to shop around for some reasonably priced glasses.  Jesse and I registered for glasses when we got married but nobody bought them.  Which is fine.  We probably would have broken them by now anyway, and then I'd feel terrible.  Is anybody else extra protective of their registry items?  We actually received a set of fancy-pants, hand-painted, very-thin-glass glasses, but whenever we use them, I end up giving the stink eye to anybody who looks like they're having too much fun while holding one.  Better to grab some without any emotional attachments for day to day use.  I am crazy, by the way.

After some searching, I found these bad boys at Target.  Inexpensive?  Check.  Non-offensive looking?  Check.  Not worth crying over if broken?  Check.

Behold our upgraded glass shelf.  There are still a few of our favorite beer glasses, but the other half is taken over by SENSIBLE ADULT GLASSWARE.  The pint glasses that didn't make the cut have been boxed up in case any siblings o'mine want them for their new apartments.

Are you still rocking pint glasses, frat-house style?  Or have you graduated, like me, to a mostly matching set?  Stay hydrated and stay homey!


  1. I went through this very same thing a few years ago - I also found some great inexpensive glasses to replace the Guinness ones and I was amazed at the way they changed the look of the kitchen! (we have open shelving.) i still feel grown up every time I drink out of them. Now, on to dishes...

    1. Our shelving is semi-open, too. I should have included a picture. We've got glass doors in front of the cabinets (which is why I think the previous owner painted the insides of the cabinets teal - which I like!). I guess since we still have some beer glasses in there, I am not 100% grown up!

  2. I actually have those exact same glasses...had them for about 2 years, have broken 2 of them, and the best part is that since they are still making them, it isn't a big deal to replace! We have "grown up" glasses and fun glasses too. It's just better that way.

  3. Only breaking 2 in 2 years is a pretty impressive streak! I figured Target would keep making them for a while, which is definitely a big bonus!

  4. I have the same glasses too! Walmart carries them as well :)

    1. Good to know for when I inevitably break some! They remind me of ones I had growing up, so I like that they are classic looking BUT easily found!

  5. These glasses are not really hard to find. They look good on any type of kitchen too.

  6. Love the way your new glasses blend so nicely with the old! I have my section of "grown-up glasses" I use for guests, but the glasses that have the best memories are the mis-matched collectables I've kept over the years;-)

  7. I'm 24, working to get back to college, so I'm still at home. Knowing me, I'll probably have some very fashionable Red Solo Cups, Not really. But I do like the aesthetics and the individuality of pint glasses. Though I'd get almost adult glasses from the dollar store.


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