Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Cracked Pots in the Herb Garden... Again!

If this seems like déjà vu, it's because this is a redux of my herb garden post from last year.

Last April, using my dad's idea for repurposing old pots and some herbs I picked up at the local nursery, I planted a small herb garden in a garden bed outside of my kitchen - here's the original post.  It worked out so well (and I loved how it looked), so I found no reason to try to get creative with a different style of herb garden this year.  Here goes year two of using cracked terra cotta pots as herb garden markers...

First up this year was digging out the weeds that had taken over the garden late last summer and this spring...

A few herbs survived the cold New England winter - oregano, thyme, and sage.  My rosemary lasted through at least February, when I grabbed a bunch to make Jesse a pork roast, but I must have picked too much because the plant was dead when I went to weed.

Speaking of weeding, it was done over a couple of 45-minute sessions while Will snoozed in the shade.

Fred was there, too...

Once I had excavated the little plot, I turned the soil, added a bit of fertilizer, and planted the new herbs alongside the hardy ones from last year.

I've already picked leaves from many of these herbs for a herbed quinoa that I made this weekend (SO good... recipe to follow) and can't wait to cook with them all summer!  Here's to tasty basil, salsa, marinades and more!

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