Monday, December 9, 2013

Foodie Stocking Stuffers

Ah...tis the season for stocking stuffers.  Have you guys ever been to Crate & Barrel and spent 30 minutes alone just staring and playing with all of the little kitchen utensils?  No?  Just me?  Cool.

Well anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to feature some of the cool little tools they have because they just happen to make amazing foodie stocking stuffers.  Check it.

1. Hot Chocolate Molinillo Frother.  I love this little tool.  It froths up milk or hot chocolate and is would just looks so cute in my kitchen drawer.


2. Collapsible Funnel.  I've been needing a funnel lately and this one is perfect.  Since it's collapsible, you won't have any issues storing it in your drawer.  Perfect for jamming, canning, or for adding fresh lemon juice to your water bottles, etc.

3. Egg Timer.  I received this as a wedding gift from my Sister in Law Holly and use it all the time.  Everyone loves a perfectly cooked egg and this tool makes it fool proof. 

4. Dual Citrus Squeezer.  There is nothing like fresh squeezed juice, but it is SUCH a pain in the butt to juice lemon and  limes by hand.  Hello dual citrus squeezer.

5. Avocado Slicer.  I totally saved the best for last.  This tool does it all, it slices the skin, and then pits AND slices perfectly even avocado slices.  Ta Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

 Stay hungry!

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