Thursday, August 9, 2012

On Perfection & Ice Scoops

I had dinner recently with a friend & her husband.  She was talking about her friend's older sister, a woman who apparently embodies perfection.  "She's just perfect," she said.  "Everybody knows it." 

"Perfect HOW?" we asked.

My friend thought for a minute (choosing, clearly, from the myriad examples) and said, "She uses a scoop in her ice drawer".

It seems like a tiny thing, but in thinking about it, I can see how this can be a habit of a perfectly perfect person.  In my house, I should mention, we were a grab-the-ice-quickly-with-your-hands couple.  A few weeks after this discussion, I was in a kitchen store in Portland, Maine and happened to see an ice scoop.  Boom.  I am one step closer to perfect: 

It seriously makes a difference.  Switching from our formerly gross ice-fetching habits feels a lot better.  Jesse has even come around on it, though it took some time for him to transition. 

And since this is a short, one-photo post... let me add one more.  Look how cute my cat is:

I took this while packing for vacation a week and a half ago.  Ethel the cat stayed at home but two carry on bags made the cut.  I will be back shortly to share where we've been and some quick photos. 


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