Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cucumber and Salami Tea Sandwiches

So I'm not entirely sure what makes a tea sandwich a tea sandwich, but to me, it's a tiny little finger sandwich without crust.  So, I'm calling these tea sandwiches. 

The possibilities are endless - you can add roasted veggies, turkey, etc.  All I knew was that I had a whole mess of boursin cheese and needed to use it up.  Another way to use butter a cheese?  Sign. Me. Up.
Cute, right?  It's a little purse of tastiness.

The ingredients are pretty simple here.

Boursin Cheese (recipe here)
White Bread
Seedless Cucumbers

Make sure the boursin is brought up to room temperature - this will make it much easier to spread. 
Line up the cucumbers like this so every bite will have a little crunch.  Don't worry about the ones that are hanging over.  We'll fix that next.

With a sharp, serrated knife, remove the crusts from the sandwich.


Make sure if you are throwing a party that you use a different knife/setup for the cucumber one as you do the salami one to avoid cross contaminating for your vegetarian guests.  See Caitlin, I got yo' back.  I eat everything under the sun, so it didn't matter much for me. 

Start again by spreading boursin liberally on the bread.

Layer on some salami...

...and trim the edges.  I ate the salami/bread/cheese scraps before I even got a chance to take a picture of them.  Oops.

Lastly, make three finger sandwiches like this.

Here are a couple of garnish options.  I placed a thin slice of cucumber on top of the cucumber ones with a dollop of boursin cheese and a bit of dill.  For the salami tea sandwiches, I tied a sprig of chive around it to make it look like a little present.  Don't ask me why I did this because I honestly have no idea but I think it's cute.

Mmmmm...these were so light and refreshing.

The cucumber is so perfect with the creamy cheese spread and light fluffy bread.

You can make these ahead of time, just make sure you dampen a couple of paper towels.  Not dripping wet here - just damp.  Line up the sandwiches (before putting a garnish on) on a cookie sheet and drape the damp paper towels on top.  Finish with plastic wrap.

These would be perfect for a shower, a snack, or just because you feel like making something a little special.  Stay hungry! 

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